Whole Roasted Stuffed Salmon

   When I lived in Washington state I came up with this salmon recipie, and it has been my favorite way to cook sockeye ever since.  When the salmon run starts in Alaska, it reminded me of zuchini squash season in Minnesota:  everyone was trying to give away their extras.  We were grateful recipients of someone's generosity and I served it up as follows:

1 whole sockeye salmon (5-6 lbs) gutted.

1 cup fresh tarragon

1 box Nile Spice couscous: roasted garlic or pine nut flavor

     Cook up the couscous according to the package instructions.  Lay the salmon on a sheet of aluminum foil and lay the tarragon sprigs inside the body cavity.  Now stuff the cavity with the couscous.  Lay another sheet of aluminum foil on top and crimp/roll the foil edges together to make a nifty package.  Put this on a medium hot grill or a 375 degree oven for 30-40 minutes.  The couscous will absorb the salmon/tarragon flavors while cooking and should be scooped out and served as a side dish.  The salmon skin will easily scrape off with a spatula when cooked and with little effort, a generous portion of meat will lift off from the backbone with that same spatula.